1. image

    Gosh! I went a full year between web posts. That is bad.

    It is again the day of days! The one that sadly comes but once a year! Yes, I do realize all days come but once a year, except February 29, but I digress.


    Most of you know the rules, but for any newcomers here we go. On Virginia’s birthday, Ginnyfans worldwide (which I can now safely say since Danny is in England) watch her films or at least clips from her films while eating cottage cheese, which was her favorite childhood food. For those looking for a non-dairy alternative, Ginny often ate raw veggies on set, and those are also acceptable.

    If you are looking for Ginny material, YouTube is the go to source. Girl of the Ozarks, a film starring Virginia from 1936, resides there. You will also find Outcasts of Poker Flat (1937), The Under-Pup (1939) starring Gloria Jean with Ginny in strong support, Souls at Sea (1937) with Virginia in a smaller yet pivotal role, and The Lone Wolf Spy Hunt (1939) with Ginny as his would-be detective daughter. For the most part, these are films not available on TCM.

    One later film, The Youngest Profession (1943) can be found there, broken into ten parts to avoid fair use problems, I guess.

    Stuck for time? Check out the Ginny clips there, especially ones on the ginny fan channel.

    Mostly, have fun! And enjoy the celebration! And thank you for caring and participating!

  2. Oh, happy day! Kahloo, kahlay! Or something like that.

    It’s Ginny’s birthday! It is that day when we ginnyfans take time out to watch a Weidler film or maybe some Ginny clips on YouTube. Or even a Weidler film on YouTube. I saw Girl of the Ozarks, The Under-Pup, Outcasts of Poker Flat, Men With Wings, and Souls At Sea all there…there may be more! So grab a bowl of cottage cheese (or raw veggies if you are on the lactose wagon) and enjoy!

    BTW, we are offering a couple of alternative suggestions this year. You could play Chinese checkers with your dog or plan out a fully choreographed hoedown with 100 or so of your favorite chums. Your choice!Happy 96th Virginia’s birthday!

  3. 13 Oct

    It is Prime Day, and in honor of this special day I ask everyone in the VWRS community to do one thing. Go to your Alexa enabled device (you know you have one somewhere) and ask in a loud clear voice, “Alexa, who was Virginia Weidler?”*Alexa...

    It is Prime Day, and in honor of this special day I ask everyone in the VWRS community to do one thing. Go to your Alexa enabled device (you know you have one somewhere) and ask in a loud clear voice, “Alexa, who was Virginia Weidler?”*Alexa knows.*-The VWRS cannot confirm that this works with Siri, Cortana, or that unnamed Google assistant. Results may vary.

Tagged #Prime Day #Virginia Weidler #Marsha Hunt #Echo
  • 2 Oct

    Happy birthday today to Julius Henry “Groucho” Marx.Comedian, television host and the second greatest singer of Lydia, The Tattooed Lady. Newspapers reported he was present when Virginia sang it, but could it have also been the other way around? We...

    Happy birthday today to Julius Henry “Groucho” Marx.Comedian, television host and the second greatest singer of Lydia, The Tattooed Lady.  Newspapers reported he was present when Virginia sang it, but could it have also been the other way around? We hate to speculate.

    Tagged #virginia Weidler #groucho marx #130th birthday
  • 9 May  1 note

    After a special proclamation from our governor that the VWRS is indeed essential, we are back on duty. There was a brief delay while we debated with VWRS union steward Miranda Sommerfield over whether fictitious characters serving as loyal assistants are actually essential…but clearly they are. With a quick doubling of their salaries, everyone is back in action.

    If you are confused by the paragraph above, I suggest you go to the actual VWRS Facebook page and read the pinned glossary for an explanation.

    My first post back is a retraction from at least four years ago. I have attached the original graphic which accompanied that post. I had found a gossip item from 1943 indicating that Virginia had turned down a chance to be in a picture with Frank Sinatra because the role called for a bobbysoxer and Ginny wanted more mature roles after she had finished at MGM with THE YOUNGEST PROFESSION and BEST FOOT FORWARD.

    In 2015, I determined that the film being spoken about was probably MEET MISS BOBBY SOCKS, which ended up starring Bob Crosby instead of Frankie and had Louise Erickson as the “soxer”. I based this on the plot sounding right, the time being right, and the fact that Frank had been featured in a Columbia musical around that same time.

    This week I discovered I was probably wrong. TCM showed a rather awful B musical this week called DING DONG WILLIAMS. It is about a clarinet player hired to write a musical score for a picture when he can’t read or write music. He can only play. And the perky production assistant who loves him is played by singer, dancer and RKO jitterbug Marcy McGuire. Not being an expert on Ms. McGuire, I looked her up. To my surprise I found that when Sinatra played himself, third billed to Michele Morgan and Jack Haley, in HIGHER AND HIGHER, Marcy played a girl who swoons at Frankie’s feet. That sounds like it probably is the role. I skipped it before because Frank wasn’t the lead.

    Marcy has a career much shorter, but of a similar path to Virginia’s. She started in her teens and was quickly moved by RKO into jitterbug roles similar to what Gloria Jean and Peggy Ryan were stuck in at Universal. She slowed her career when she married actor Wally Cassell in 1947 and retired by 1952. Virginia also married in 1947 and although she last appeared in a feature in 1943 she continued to act on stage, radio and television until about…1952.

    So HIGHER AND HIGHER is now the film I think the gossips were pointing toward, although I am unsure how serious RKOs efforts toward landing her were. After all, Marcy was comfortable in the soxer/jitterbug roles and was already under contract.-

    Tagged #Virginia Weidler #Marcy McGuire #Frank Sinatra
  • 27 Mar  1 note

    This is Ginny’s 73rd wedding anniversary. The story is that she and Lionel eloped, but I’ve always wondered if this was a family approved elopement rather than the kind dramatized in films. After all, both she and Lionel Krisel were great catches and...

    This is Ginny’s 73rd wedding anniversary. The story is that she and Lionel eloped, but I’ve always wondered if this was a family approved elopement rather than the kind dramatized in films. After all, both she and Lionel Krisel were great catches and I have to doubt either family would have disapproved.

    Anyway, a virtual toast to the happy couple!

    Tagged #virginia weidler #lionel krisel
  • 24 Mar  9 notes

    Ginny and her St. Bernard set an example by practicing social distancing.

    Ginny and her St. Bernard set an example by practicing social distancing.

    Tagged #Virginia Weidler #staysafe
  • 21 Mar  2 notes

    It’s Ginny’s birthday! It’s Ginny’s birthday! And we would like to wish her all the very best It’s Ginny’s birthday! It’s Ginny’s birthday! And it’s so nice to have you back to be our guest (h/t to Bill Martin / Phil Coulter…and George Harrison) It...

    It’s Ginny’s birthday!
    It’s Ginny’s birthday!
    And we would like to wish her all the very best
    It’s Ginny’s birthday!
    It’s Ginny’s birthday!
    And it’s so nice to have you back to be our guest
    (h/t to Bill Martin / Phil Coulter…and George Harrison)

    It is here! That day of days. And we should have a little more time to participate than in most years, I’m guessing.

    As usual, we at the VWRS celebrate Ginny’s birthday-number 93 by my count-by watching Ginny’s films and clips and eating cottage cheese (Ginny’s favorite food), although I will be lenient on the CC requirement this year only.

    There are three Ginny films on YouTube, two in complete form and one broken up into around ten separate parts. My ginny fan channel there still has our short clips as well.

    I have also opened up my public page as I do each year. There you will find five films, several clips, and Jean Porter’s wonderful salute to Ginny from Classic Images magazine.

    My page can be accessed from https://tinyurl.com/ginnyday. Click on the item you wish to view…and be patient. I have tested them and they do load for viewing.

    There are three Ginny films on YouTube, two in complete form and one broken up into around ten separate parts. My ginny fan channel there still has our short clips as well.

  • 27 Feb

    It is a necklace with an interesting backstory, the Manchester Necklace. And it has fallen into the hands of a noted art collector. Everyone seems to want it…some willing to do anything to get it.

    Despite this, I suspect the little girl from Philadelphia would have just two words for it.

    Yes, I know they aren’t the same, but my ginnyfan mind still went there.

    I also suspect the made for TV mystery would have been better with Ginny there, pestering the detectives.

    Tagged #ThisStinks #VirginiaWeidler #ThePhiladelphiaStory
  • 13 Nov  2 notes

    TODAY IN GINNY! reveal for 11/12


    Miranda here. You know me from…well, you know.

    It is time for the BIG! TIG! REVEAL! Today we congratulate the John Hyland Army for correctly guessing yesterday’s TIG!er.  

    * I was in two films with Virginia Weidler.
    I was Major Lieber in AFTER TONIGHT (1933) and Elder Goode in MAID OF SALEM (1937). Virginia was Nabby in that one.

    * I am best remembered for a film I made starring two other TIG!ers (actors who worked with Virginia).
    The TIG!ers were William Powell (THE YOUNGEST PROFESSION) and Myrna Loy (STAMBOUL QUEST and TOO HOT TO HANDLE) and the film was THE THIN MAN (1934). I, not Powell, was The Thin Man.

    * I was a working Broadway actor prior to making the trip to Hollywood.
    From 1905 to 1932. I played a lot of shady characters. I even found time to write plays and to make a few silent films while in New York.

    *Criminals, Doctors, Majors, and two ‘Pop’s.
    Some of the characters I played in Hollywood. I also played Dr. John Abbott in the Dalton Trumbo written, Garson Kanin directed A MAN TO REMEMBER (1938). The film was a remake of a Lionel Barrymore film, ONE MAN’S JOURNEY (1933) and both come with the ginnyfan seal of approval.

    *Preston Foster, Edward Arnold, Fred MacMurray, Warren William, and Donald Meek.
    Other TIG!ers I worked with.

    Who am I?


    Edward Ellis, born November 12, 1870.

    If you wish to play TODAY IN GINNY! check out the Virginia Weidler Remembrance Society Facebook page!

    Tagged #Virginia Weidler #Edward Ellis #Maid of Salem
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