Gosh! I went a full year between web posts. That is bad.
It is again the day of days! The one that sadly comes but once a year! Yes, I do realize all days come but once a year, except February 29, but I digress.
Most of you know the rules, but for any newcomers here we go. On Virginia’s birthday, Ginnyfans worldwide (which I can now safely say since Danny is in England) watch her films or at least clips from her films while eating cottage cheese, which was her favorite childhood food. For those looking for a non-dairy alternative, Ginny often ate raw veggies on set, and those are also acceptable.
If you are looking for Ginny material, YouTube is the go to source. Girl of the Ozarks, a film starring Virginia from 1936, resides there. You will also find Outcasts of Poker Flat (1937), The Under-Pup (1939) starring Gloria Jean with Ginny in strong support, Souls at Sea (1937) with Virginia in a smaller yet pivotal role, and The Lone Wolf Spy Hunt (1939) with Ginny as his would-be detective daughter. For the most part, these are films not available on TCM.
One later film, The Youngest Profession (1943) can be found there, broken into ten parts to avoid fair use problems, I guess.
Stuck for time? Check out the Ginny clips there, especially ones on the ginny fan channel.
Mostly, have fun! And enjoy the celebration! And thank you for caring and participating!